Digital Success With Growth Art Guidance


You will only be successful in the market in the long term if you introduce a continuous process to optimise your online shop, online marketing, and other e-commerce processes. Based on key figures, benchmarks, best practice approaches, and our empirical values, we analyze your e-commerce channel, uncover the weak points, and highlight potential. Together with you, we develop individual ways and strategies to further develop your e-business activities. In addition to professional advice, we support you as a sparring partner, project manager, or in the specific implementation of optimisations.

Key Figure-Based Online Shop Optimisation

Customer demands, technologies, and markets are constantly changing and there is never a standstill. The closest competitor is always just a click away. For these reasons, continuous optimisation is a must. But where do you start? Our analyzes provide important clues:

  • Technical analysis
  • Web analytics evaluation
  • Heuristic evaluation
  • User analysis

By analyzing this data, we gain valuable pointers for improving the entire e-commerce value chain. The performance of an online shop can often be significantly increased within a very short time with small measures. Quick wins start where the greatest weaknesses exist. Based on the analysis results, we develop a tailor-made quick-win concept for you for the short-term improvement of the weakest parts of your e-commerce value chain.

Due to the immediate effect of the measures, we increase traffic, conversion rate, shopping cart size, or sales within a very short time depending on the initial situation and potential.

  1. Usability Optimisation: Can the online shop be used? How is the user ergonomics? Are there any barriers preventing visitors from buying? We optimise the usability of your online shop.
  2. Conversion Optimisation: Why do so few visitors buy? Thousands of online shop operators are concerned with this question. We optimise your webshop for more sales and better conversion rates.
  3. Web Analysis: Where do your visitors leave? Which areas of the shop are particularly important? The web analysis provides us with these and many other important findings.

Individual E-Commerce Strategy

We advise you on the planning and optimisation of your strategic direction and check your current concepts for effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.

  • Sustainable strategies for e-commerce and digital change
  • Market analysis, competition analysis, and internationalization
  • Multi-platform and brand strategies
  • Tenders and selection of service providers

In addition to extensive business analysis, we design the ideal marketing activities and the optimal online shop for you. In addition, by selecting suitable service providers, we ensure that your internal and external business processes run smoothly.

What We Offer As Growth Art Limited

E-commerce strategies: In a good e-commerce strategy, all components interlock optimally – this is the only way to achieve top performance. We accompany you step by step to your tailor-made strategy.

Digital business models: When planning a new business, nothing should be left to chance. We take over the business model engineering and plan your business idea right from the start – down to the last detail.

Internationalization in e-commerce: Whether legal framework conditions, different user expectations, or local partners. We help you with our extensive expert knowledge to avoid stumbling blocks and develop internationalization strategies that can be implemented for you.

Online marketing strategies: Get fit for your online marketing. Your campaigns will be a success with individual strategies tailored to your company. We accompany you step by step on the way to a tailor-made online marketing strategy. Learn more

Marketplace strategies. Online trading is increasingly being dominated by platform providers. Retailers can hardly get past Amazon or Etsy. But we offer a reliable consultation service about growing platforms such as Amazon and Etsy with Shopify and WordPress. So that you can assert yourself in this unequal competition, we develop strategies for dealing with marketplaces and platforms.

Book a Free Consultation

Let us know a tiny bit about your business, then we will explain to you in-depth how Growth Art can assist.